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Get Noticed on the Marketplace & TheWineProGrapevine Community
Selling Wine Strategies offers 3 plans for providers of wine industry-related products and services to promote their offerings.
The Marketplace Listing Subscription is a great way to get your company noticed by wineries. Learn More.
TheWineProGrapevine/Marketplace Standard Subscription gives you all the benefits of a Marketplace Listing and gives you the opportunity to promote your expertise across TheWineProGrapevine community of wine industry professionals. Learn More.
TheWineProGrapevine/Marketplace Premium Subscription gives you all the benefits of the Marketplace Listing and the Standard Subscription, plus a new way to interact with your customers and get in front of potential new customers. Learn More.
Get Your Business Noticed
Marketplace Listing
100$Every year+$20 Setup FeeGet your wine-related products or services noticed.- Annual listing on Selling Wine Strategies Marketplace:
- Logo, company blurb, website link, contact phone and email.
- Up to 2 images related to your product or service.
- 1 PDF (Brochure, datasheet, etc.)
- Opportunity to be interviewed, featured on TWPG community.
- A mention on the Selling Wine Strategies LinkedIn page.
- A mention on the Selling Wine Strategies FaceBook page.
TWPG/Marketplace Standard Subscription
350$Every year+$50 Setup FeeTheWineProGrapevine & Marketplace Vendor Subscription.- All Benefits of a Marketplace Listing Subscription.
- 1 email blast per year to all TWPG community members.
- 1 sponsored-membership account to participate in TWPG.
- 2 Guest blog posts annually on SWS Blog.
- 1 interview per year promoted on TWPG & SWS channels.
- Opportunity for 1 Micro-Lessons per year featured on TWPG.
TWPG/Marketplace Premium Subscription
600$Every year+$50 Setup FeeTheWineProGrapevine & Marketplace Premium Vendor Subscription.- All Benefits of a Marketplace Listing Subscription.
- 1 email blast per year to all TWPG community members.
- 2 sponsored-membership accounts to participate in TWPG.
- Up to 3 Guest blog posts annually on SWS Blog.
- 1 branded private space for your customers.
- 1 interview per year promoted on TWPG & SWS channels.
- 1 webinar per year on TWPG, promoted by SWS.
- Opportunity for 2 Micro-Lessons per year featured on TWPG.
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